Great news that you're planning to publish the series - I've been thinking on how it would be laid out in that format.

It's probably too early to ask, but are you planning on working with the Rabbit Room on that? I can see that leading to a lovely end product.

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Great question. I think I will try a sample layout once I get somewhere in the neighborhood of 25ish poems and then send it out to you readers for feedback. So stay tuned.

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Love the sound of it - I know absolutely nothing about laying out books, but this project had me thinking about learning for fun! Lot of interesting ways you could put together the Psalms/poems/notes/etc., I think.

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This. “It keeps no record of past wrongs, though it forgets nothing and deals with them all in order to part us from them.”

I love how you have captured this paradox as what it actually is -- a paradox. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has struggled to recognize and hold both sides of it, thinking that surely one or the other must be the Right Way and totally missing that Both are True and Necessary. It’s rare to hear them both named as belonging to one another. Thanks for being that rare voice to capture this :)

“That is what this poem is about. His kindness leads you to repentance, but that doesn’t mean you will never get lost. It just means you won’t be alone and it will never be too late.” -- Love this, too, so so much.

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