This is breathtaking. Its vivid portrayal of suffering and repentance left me speechless and helped me see this psalm with fresh eyes.

“Each day, I woke to the fire

Of grief, and I blackened and balked.

At night, my bed was a raft rolled

On a darkling sea while overhead

Wheeled numberless stars

That I could neither touch nor change.

There was no way out but through.

I lost everything I thought was mine,

But I did not lose you.”

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Love the diction and the flow through this one! Particularly this part:

"At night, my bed was a raft rolled

On a darkling sea while overhead

Wheeled numberless stars

That I could neither touch nor change."

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"Come and see the works of God.

He has not held back; he pours himself

In double draughts. He is prodigal.

He is wild and wanton, unwearying.

He sows with a glad hand,

Broadcast, unresting, unhasting."

Just awesome.

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This is so vivid and evocative! I particularly love these lines:

"Tell the whole story back again,

Belt it, blare it, heave, and hurl it out."

"...he pours himself

In double draughts. He is prodigal.

He is wild and wanton, unwearying.

He sows with a glad hand,

Broadcast, unresting, unhasting.

He turned the sea into dry land

So his people could pass

Through the water on foot."

"There was no way out but through.

I lost everything I thought was mine,

But I did not lose you."

This might be my favorite one so far!

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Beautiful and painful, well done, Andy. Thank you for your work on this!

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