I have recently felt the refiners fire in my life, and although as painful as it may be.. I see the need for the dross of what does not belong to drip away. As the smoke ascends and we are left with the thought “will anything be left!?” We can look down and catch a glimpse of not the vast treasure horde we thought we held, but the tiniest glint of gold at the bottom of the furnace to find that the small piece of faith we hope would be left is there, and it is all the more precious because of it.

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Thank you for this. It makes this Psalm even more personal and relatable. I prayed through it several times this morning while fighting a cold and sipping lemsip.

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A Dawn M talking about lemsip could only be one person. Glad the psalm helped and I hope the lemsip helped too!

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Yes! It is very good. “Praying The Psalms” Nan Merril

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Thank you so much for these! They are perfect for these troubled times. I’m sure you’ve read Nan Merrill’s work?

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I haven't yet. Would you recommend it?

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