Sometimes I try to consider which Psalms are my "favorites" before I catch myself with a reminder that thinking that way isn't super helpful. The way you've grouped them above speaks to that, I think, that the Psalms hit a lot of notes and will speak to us in different times and different ways.

This is a good summary of the project: "When you do this work in dialogue with the other major translations and scholarship on the passage, you can begin a playful exploration of a new dimension of the word of God that would have been previously closed to you." - I've enjoyed and am enjoying the playful exploration!

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Is there any way to get a printed or ebook compilation of just the poems?

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There isn't yet, but my tentative plan is to create a compilation of everything once I have 30 psalms done (one fifth of the whole psalter). If you one the poems on one post though, there is this: https://darklingpsalter.substack.com/p/complete-list-of-the-poems?s=w. Disclaimer: I only update it semi-regularly so it might not include ALL the poems at any given point.

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Thank you!!! Already enjoying this. I’m a poet as well. And I love the psalms, but there’s something particularly refreshing to me in your poems of the psalms that invite me to wonder and worship and keep my brain from jumping into didactic study-mode, ha ha. Thanks so much! Will definitely purchase a hard copy of the poems when they’re available someday!! God bless!

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helpful !!

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